How to Fit Physical Activity Into a Busy Daily Grind
It can be done with a little extra effort during daily tasks
Like most people, you’ve probably heard that regular exercise and physical activity are good for you. But your days are filled with family, work, errands, volunteering and any number of other important activities. Where’s the time for physical activity?
Here are a few tips to help you fit exercise and physical activity into your day.
Make It a Priority
Remember that being active is one of the most important things you can do each day to maintain and improve health. Try being active first thing in the morning before you get too busy.
Make It Easy
- You are more likely to exercise if it’s a convenient part of your day.
- Walk the entire mall or every aisle of the grocery store when you go shopping.
- Join a gym that’s close to your home and easy to get to.
- Take one or more flights of stairs up and two down.
Make It Social
- Many people agree that an “exercise buddy” keeps them going.
- Take a walk during lunch with co-workers.
- Try a dance class — salsa, tango, square dancing — it’s up to you.
Make It Fun
Do things you enjoy, but pick up the pace a bit. If you love the outdoors, try biking or hiking. Listen to music while you garden or wash the car.
Make It Happen
Choose to be active in many places and many ways.
- Get off the bus one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way.
- Do toe-stands or wall push-ups while you’re waiting for your spouse to get ready to go out.
This material is provided by Go4Life, the exercise and physical activity campaign for adults over 50 from the National Institute on Aging at NIH.