How to Recover From a Bad Decision
This excerpt from 'The Decision Makeover' shows how to make a 'reset' in midlife
Have you ever made a decision so terrible and at such a crucial time in your life that it seems almost impossible to recover? Author Mike Whitaker suggests that people spend years making poor choices without consciously understanding why (or when) they made them. His book,The Decision Makeover: An Intentional Approach to Living the Life You Want, which will be released by Greenleaf Book Group Press in September, helps readers dissect the decision-making process and take on a "reset" for those suffering the consequences of a bad decision.

The following is an excerpt from the book, The Decision Makeover: An Intentional Approach to Living the Life You Want by Mike Whitaker. This portion comes from Chapter 4 and draws from a section about "Decision Zones and the MidLife Adult:"