Take This Retirement IQ Test to See What You Know
After completing it, you'll learn how to improve your prospects
(This article previously appeared on RealDealRetirement.com.)
Do you know what you’re doing when it comes to retirement planning? Or are you winging it? To see how much you really know about preparing for retirement — and pick up some tips that can help you improve your retirement prospects — check out this 10-question quiz.
You don’t have to be a retirement-planning savant to accumulate adequate savings and manage your nest egg after retiring. But a little knowledge doesn’t hurt. To get a sense of where you stand when it comes to preparing for retirement — and find areas where you can improve — answer the 10 questions below. Then compare your answers to the correct ones at the end of the story to see how you scored on my highly scientific grading system.
Ready? Go! The clock is now officially running.