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The Truth Behind Anti-Aging Marketing

Companies are going after your money, playing on your fears of aging

By Colin Milner













  • Realize that products will not stop you from aging, no matter what the claims.
  • Understand that you can obtain the energy you need to feel more youthful by getting more sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.
  • Before joining a fitness club, seniors center or retirement community, look around and ask yourself if the services offered and the customers you see match what you are looking for. If they don’t, move on. No matter what all the literature, ads, signage and sales people say, it’s not the right fit for you.
  • Remember that everyone grows older from the moment they’re born. It behooves us to embrace the inevitability of this natural process and the many benefits that can come with it.


Colin Milner is founder and chief executive officer of the International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA), a member of  the World Economic Forum’s Network of Global Agenda Councils, and an adviser to, among others, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Administratiion on Aging and the U.S. National Institute on Aging. Milner has been involved in the health and fitness industry since 1982. Prior to establishing ICAA in 2001, he was president of IDEA Health and Fitness Association. Milner’s efforts were recognized by the Canadian Fitness Professional Association in 2010 with the Can-Fit-Pro Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the Canadian fitness industry. Read More
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