Welcome to the New Next Avenue
Readers: We’ve changed our look and feel, but not our focus
Dear Readers,
At Next Avenue, we're celebrating two milestones this month: our third anniversary and a site re-launch.
The new design changes the look and feel of Next Avenue, with less clutter and more open space and color. The site also functions better, displaying properly on tablets and phones and allowing for easier site navigation and sharing on social media.
What hasn’t changed is our mix of content aimed at America’s booming 50+ population, people in the midst of major life transitions and a search for meaning and purpose. We’ll continue to send our e-newsletters and urge you to sign up to receive them. We remain committed to bringing you news and features that inform and inspire.
We’re pleased to unroll these improvements to the millions of Next Avenue readers who find us through our site and via PBS, our nonprofit allies and media partners.
Finally, many thanks to those of you who have given us feedback and urged us to improve how we deliver our message. Your critiques informed our choices. Please let us know what you think of the redesign in the comments section below (or, email us here). And please help us spread the word about our site updates by sharing this story.
Warm regards,
Sue Campbell
Editorial and Content Director