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The Worst Resume Mistakes You Can Make

The keys to success are what to leave out and what to put in

By Miriam Salpeter and AOL Jobs

(This article previously appeared on

It's likely most job seekers have heard about a prominent figure losing a job as a result of a resumé lie written early in his or her career. This kind of huge mistake attracts a lot of attention. However, most of the “worst” resumé mistakes aren't headline grabbers or news stories; they are mistakes almost every job seeker makes when on the prowl for a new opportunity.


If you have a resumé and it hasn't been professionally written, one of these “worst” mistakes likely lurks in your materials.

(MORE: 5 Resume Rules to Ignore)


Self-Centered Red Flags

This category of error can be one of the toughest to identify, because you think your resumé is all about you. Think again.

In fact, while your resumé is a document to market your accomplishments, its true job is to connect with the hiring manager. To be most successful, it should appeal to your target audience.


Check your resumé for these four self-centered red flags:


An objective This is a sentence like: “My objective is a position with a growing company where I will feel fulfilled and get experience necessary to achieve my goals.” While most objectives are not quite so self-centered, the nature of the objective is that it focuses on the job seeker and not the employer. Regardless, the objective is a dated vestige of resumé days gone by. Avoid it in favor of a “headline” and quick bullet points that clearly connect with the employer's needs.



Oversharing It's very nice that your family is the most important aspect of your life, but the resumé isn't the place to discuss it. Incorporating too much personal information, especially when it is not a requirement of the job, is a key indicator of the job seeker's preoccupation with what he or she wants or needs. Resumés should never include personal information, such as age, marital status or religious affiliation.


Seeking experience It's the very rare employer who wants to hire someone who does not already have the skills necessary to do the job. If you are looking for experience, that is fine, but keep it to yourself and focus on the skills you do have to help qualify you for the job.


Careless Errors


The biggest category of resumé mistakes comprises the typess you will probably never notice when you edit your own document. These two resumé killers are your job search's worst enemy:


Spelling and grammar mistakes  Spellcheck does not catch all spelling errors; do not rely on it to proofread your resumé. Ask an eagle-eyed friend or take other steps to edit your materials. For example, try reading it backwards, print it in large font and read the words aloud to a friend. Sometimes, you'll be able to catch misplaced words and spelling or grammatical mistakes.




Missing the Point


Your resumé's goal is to convince the hiring manager of your qualifications. Your job is to submit a resumé that clearly conveys how and why you are a good fit. Unfortunately, many job seekers make the big mistake of failing to read the job description. (Learn about other killer job seeker mistakes.) Here are three common ways job seekers fail to make the connection:


Not targeting your materials Read the job description carefully and decode what the employer seeks in an ideal employee. (Review this series of “Job Descriptions Decoded” for advice on how to successfully target your resumé.)


Including unnecessary details You don't need to list every job you've ever held over the past 25 years. Generally, it's appropriate to include the last 10 or 15 years of experience, but be sure to focus on the most relevant experience. Especially if you're transitioning to a new field, feature the experience in past jobs that's more relevant and interesting to your new target employer. Don't spend a lot of time listing things you've done that have nothing to do with your current goals.


Leaving out accomplishments and skills Resumés that are a laundry list of “stuff” usually fail to make the cut. What you've done in your past may be relevant, but don't forget to incorporate language addressing your skills and accomplishments. For example, if you worked on a team, make a point to indicate your specific role in the end product.


When you write an error-free resumé that accurately portrays your experience and takes into account what the employer hopes to see, you'll be way ahead of the competition.


Miriam Salpeter is a job search and social media consultant, career coach, author, speaker, resumé writer and owner of Keppie Careers. She is author of several books, including Social Networking for Business Success.

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