Children Share Emotional Letters to Parents with Alzheimer's
Young caregivers focus on what they'll remember in a video tribute
We often talk about the memories of people with Alzheimer's. A new video focuses on the memories of young caregivers who grew up in the shadow of the disease.

In the video, three members of the Young People Against Alzheimer's Committee read letters to their parents who were diagnosed with early Alzheimer's while they were still teens. They talk about the things they will remember and the things they hope to forget.
This powerful and poignant video debuted at the Memory Ball, a fundraiser for the Alzheimer Society of Toronto, and was shared on social media by Purple Elephant, a nonprofit whose goal is to change the way young people think about Alzheimer's disease.
"Thankfully we did have 14 years together where we made memories that I won't want to forget," reads one letter writer in the video (below).
Another makes a heartrending promise: "To say it's been tough would be an understatement. But my promise to you is that I won't remember you for all of the hard times, because there's so much more to you than this disease."