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What Can I Do to Take Care of Myself?

Consider joining a caregiver support group

By NIH/National Institute on Aging
July 15, 2011

Based on the National Institute on Aging article “So Far Away: Twenty Questions and Answers about Long-Distance Caregiving.”

Taking care of yourself might seem like the last thing you should be thinking about.

But you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.

You might find some consolation or comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Consider joining a caregiver support group, either in your own community or online.

Meeting other caregivers can relieve your sense of isolation and will give you a chance to exchange stories and ideas. Support groups can be a great resource and a way to learn caregiving tips and techniques that work — even from afar. Some people find the camaraderie and companionship helpful. Perhaps an online support group is more your style. By focusing on what you have been able to contribute, you may be able to free yourself from some of the worry. The Eldercare Locator may be able to help you find a local group.

By NIH/National Institute on Aging
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